Voyage Trekkers – Incident On Zaltaria!

We've secretly been plotting away here at Squishy Studios at a way to both reward our Voyage Trekkers fans for their support and entice brand new fans at the Phoenix Comicon to connect with the show. The name of this scheme is ... INCIDENT ON ZALTARIA!!!! (dramatic music) We've created FIVE NEW VOYAGE TREKKERS VIDEOS... Continue Reading →

So much time and so little to do.

Wait a minute. Strike that ... Reverse it. With the upcoming four-day mega shoot of Voyage Trekkers coming up in (checks watch) less than 48 hours ... and then the Phoenix Comicon coming hotly on the heels, just days later, there's so much to do.  Obviously enough time to blog!  Here's a small selection of the... Continue Reading →

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